Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Capturing the love

It's time to take the love day cards down. We are truly loved and love truly.

Feb 18

Granny is in the hospital and needed some cheering up, so I snapped a quick picture of one of my Easter finds from this weekend. This little guy would cheer anyone up.

Feb 17

Cabby doesn't do mornings.

Feb 16

So the hubs and I had plans for sushi after furniture shopping. So we head to wasabi for dinner and since we had already celebrated love day it never occurred to us that people would still be celebrating. The wait was and hour and fifteen minutes. So we headed off to get some wings at BWW instead. It was a good second choice.

Feb 15

Wow it's been a long week. I think or calls for some stark raving Malbec.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Day

My hubby got me the best Love Day gift ever. This is for my office.

Feb 13

Every year I make love day brownies to take into work. This is my first time taking them into my new job. They were a huge success.